First big update for Gas Idle!

New Features

  • Auto Money Collection for Stations with Workers: Stations that reach level 10 now have the option to hire a worker. When a worker is hired, cars will automatically generate income without requiring manual collection, streamlining the gameplay experience.
  • Tutorial System: A new tutorial system guides players through game basics, displaying panels sequentially with options to skip or complete the tutorial. The tutorial will only appear on the first game start.


  • Dynamic Car Spawn Rate: Car spawn rates now scale dynamically with game progression. As more stations and pumps are added, cars will spawn more frequently, maintaining a balanced challenge as the game grows.
  • Optimized Movement for Stuck Vehicles: Added a "stuck" timer to handle rare cases where vehicles would stop indefinitely when detecting each other. If a vehicle remains stuck too long, it will override the obstacle and continue moving to prevent deadlock.


  • Worker Purchase Button: The option to hire a worker becomes available as soon as a station reaches level 10. The button is initially disabled and will automatically enable at the required level, adding more clarity to gameplay progression.
  • Income Popup for Auto-Collection: When income is automatically collected due to the presence of a worker, a brief popup shows the earnings, providing clear feedback to players.
  • Volume and Zoom Settings: The settings panel now includes adjustable SFX and music volume sliders, along with separate zoom enable/disable buttons for customized gameplay.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Button Visibility on Level-Up: Resolved an issue where the worker purchase button did not appear correctly after reaching level 10. The button now reliably enables once the level threshold is met.
  • Corrected Income Calculation Rounding: Addressed an issue with income calculations by rounding up values, ensuring players receive accurate earnings.
  • Improved Pathfinding: Refined car movement to ensure vehicles better navigate around each other, with an added fallback for vehicles stuck in close proximity.

Known Issues

  • Occasional Delays in Auto-Collection Popup: In rare cases, the income popup for auto-collection may briefly delay. This does not affect income collection but may impact visual feedback.

Files Play in browser
Nov 03, 2024

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